As someone who is also slowly writing memoir this post resonates so well with me. You have articulated why it’s an important form of writing. Thank you and keep writing! I have always lived in countries away from extended family and went to boarding school so writing letters was a regular routine throughout childhood. I still write weekly to my elderly parents in RSA (I’m in NZ now) but try always to wrap my happenings in stories and descriptions. One of my memoir blogs if you’re interested is https://abrightspot.blog/2020/05/22/the-lilac-timetable/

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I just realised that my first experiences of writing were also the letters I had to send home to my parents from boarding school. I imagine I too was rewrapping my experiences, but in my case sugar coating them. Another lovely read Deepa, and yes, I for one am MASSIVELY looking forward to reading your memoir.

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