Sep 10, 2021Liked by Deepa Paul

Brave. I'm not like the others because I'm trying to make Catholicism cool and relevant at work and with regular people acknowledging that I'm not that religious and far from being saintly. What I learned is that Jesus accepted everyone and that kills the me vs you vibe of many religious. You have to come into conscience that what you do is life giving and freeing and if you accept that then who are we to judge?

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Wow, this one hit differently. I didn't ever come here to comment but just had to this time. I've been 'not like the others' my whole life and often struggled with that parallel of different means special / fear of being unliked and rejected. Just thought you'd like to know your words hit very deep - thank you for that. Ps. I can only push off on my bike with my left foot, and thought I was the only one with that weird quirk :)

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