Just read this. I am really sorry. You approach life with such courage and bravery, and I really hope this carries you onwards, forwards, with the same energy. But I am sending you much much love and all the strongest and best vibes for you and your body XXXX

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Sending you love and and whatever healing energy I might be able to send. Thank you for sharing this and you with us <3

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Oh Deepa, I am so sorry! It is so hard! But it can be transformative in a good way - in 2016, the year before we transferred to Amsterdam, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at age 46. With my mother and grandmother both having had it, I immediately made the decision to have a bi-lateral mastectomy, or double mastectomy, and also had the Diep-flap reconstruction using the squishy, saggy pregnancy pancake of stomach fat. The recovery sucks, but the plus side is you have an awesome tummy tuck that makes you feel great! For me the transformative part was awakening from surgery and my first thought was "I feel so good!", as if my body could tell something bad was gone. And the day I came home from the hospital, I was so thrilled to be alive I vowed to live every day from then on without fear. It gave me the courage to live as my true self, rather than trying to pass and fit in (not very well) as a typical middle class mom rather than the passionate, quirky artist I am. Now I am an in-your-face activist for the oppressed and suffering, and my maturity as an artist has grown immensely. People often are a bit shocked when I say it, but I often say "cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me." I don't know if I would have had the strength to be my true self without it. I wish you all the best, and hope your experience opens your world even further. Love and hugs, Marcia

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Oh, btw to clarify, recovery was no cakewalk, but my feeling good on awakening from surgery was more of a mental lightness, a goodness, a feeling of happiness, calm, and peace that the cancer, the bad thing growing in my body, was gone. I hope you also experience that feeling of positivity and relief.❤️

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Sending you kind love, and healing energy. May peace be with you throughout this. In Kindness, Karen-Nicole

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No questions, just lots of love your way Deepa.

I have never met you in person and you don’t know who I am, yet with your words you have touched my heart more times than I can count. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Lieve Deepa! Wat een vreselijk rot nieuws. Ik wens je heel veel sterkte in het genezingsproces. Hugs, Simone Wittgen

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Wow. Thank you for posting this. I'm a bit stunned, but so glad you have all your loves to support you through this AND the release of your book -- which I can't wait to read. Wishing you all the best and strength for your next steps on this journey . . .

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